Will Oscar Follow the BAFTA Winners?

Chloe Zhao’s favorite win last night has directed the predictions of Oscar winners the other way. She has great wins from her Nomad Land for the Best Film, Actress, Director, as well as Cinematography.

With such great achievements when approaching the Oscars, Nomadland is definitely in the spotlight. It will be an outstanding favorite to attain more achievements at the Oscars.

Nomadland came out as the top favorite with several great wins. Besides BAFTA and DGA, this film is overwhelmingly dominant at the Golden Globes, Critics Choice, PGA, and more. It missed only at SAG. Back then, The Trial of the Chicago 7 won the Outstanding Cast. Meanwhile, Nomadland didn’t even touch the WGA because it was not qualified for obligating the rules of the Guild.

Oscar does not cast their ballots until Thursday. Back then, the experts had predicted that Nomadland would come back strong at DGA and BAFTA this weekend. What they said was happening.

Nomadland is not the first film to make the surprise. We still remember how Brokeback Mountain changed the very game. It also won the WGA and SAG cast award.

Chicago 7, as the tight competitor of the Nomadland, did not attain anything at BAFTA. And then, the Chloe Zhao movie won’t stop pushing unless the voters do not want to vote for this film. The voters have their own nature. They will likely vote on the film which they think deserves the spotlight. And since there have been great records that Nomadland achieved back then, it is not exaggerating to say that it has true potential to grab most of the Oscars categories awards.

BAFTA Winners
Chloe Zhao has great wins from her Nomad Land for the Best Film, Actress, Director, as well as Cinematography.

BAFTA is not a match compared to the Oscars Best Picture. However, the achievements of particular films in BAFTA can be the remarks to say which films deserve the most attention from the voters.

The favorite of British folks Anthony Hopkins in “The Father” film has attained the spot. And the particular category has stopped Boseman’s chance to attain the Best Actor award. The Father also won over Nomadland for its Adapted Screenplay category. It is a huge plus that welcomes Oscar Voting in the future.

Most experts didn’t expect Boseman’s loss.  BAFTA didn’t award the Black filmmaker or actor at all.

Meanwhile, Yuh Jung Youn came up as the front runner for Supporting Actress.

Also read this – The Documentary Shorts Nominations in Oscar

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